5 Key Essential Habits for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Naturally

There are many ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle that fit your budget, lifestyle and health concerns which could include a vacation, health retreats, massage or acupuncture to name a few.  All options have very good health benefits but no one regimen will necessarily get you where you really need to be. 

I recommend five (5) basic habits for a consistent approach to good health, positive energy, good weight management, and a creative, happy disposition which will not necessarily break your budget.

  1. Eat good nutrition – Eat foods that are organic, high in fiber and unprocessed. Food you prepare are the healthiest, as you know what you put in it. Reasons The body knows how to process wholefoods and will use them to help get rid of waste, strengthen, rejuvenate, heal and restore. High fiber includes Lots of fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, legumes. Say no to processed foods and processed sugars like soda, chips, cookies. Eat and drink whole foods obtained from source – rich in vitamins, minerals, protein & other important nutrients. Not the norm – society caters for fast food, family & friends may not support a plant based transition due to fear and lack of knowledge, commercial knowledge of good nutrition is often incorrect – wheat products, meat.
  2. Exercise regularly – Run, walk, hike, gym, swim, bicycling, tennis, golf, etc. – Reasons Helps tone and strengthen the body, improves circulation, heightens your vibration to a happier state of mind, helps eliminate toxins, promotes a nice physique. Do something that you like and make it a habit at least 3 or 4 times per week.
  3. Detox routinely – Keep the body clean (not just on the outside) – Reasons the body works round the clock to keep us clean and does it effectively if given the correct tools to work with. It’s Important to ensure that the intestinal area is kept clean on a routine basis to get rid of unwanted waste and toxins that can cause lethargy, weight gain, sickness & disease. Many wholefoods aid in cleaning the internal organs such as water, a high fiber diet, natural herbs & tonics.
  4. Manage Stress & Maintaining Good Posture and DeportmentReasons – When the mind is well, the body will be well also! Stress is inevitable and, in many cases unavoidable. The key to maintaining good mental health is the ability to manage stress, choose happiness, and the ability to use our minds to create better situations moving forward. There are many exercises that can be used to nurture & strengthen a healthy mind such as habits, deep breathing, resting, meditation, stretching & exercise.
  5. Spend Time AloneReasons – So that you can get to know yourself and understand your idiosyncrasies & purpose – By quietly taking time out to study and appreciate your uniqueness and differences, you can improve your self-esteem, self-worth, and understand strengths and weaknesses and begin to thrive.

Spending time alone helps to introspect & develop self-confidence and can be done with the use of mental exercises that allows you to achieve your desired goals.