
Greetings and welcome to Lifestyles By Michele!

My name is Michele Hogarth and I am a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach. I will teach you how to get well naturally using holistic approaches to strengthen the mind, body and spirit for maintaining good health.  The main way I achieve this is through private consultation, nutritional support with supplements and herbs, and educational material like my 30-Day Natural Detox Guide and Vegan Alkaline Recipe Book.

Much of my work experience grew out of a personal need to address health issues while seeking natural solutions in lieu of surgery and medication.   By altering my diet, negative thought patterns, and a commitment to loving and catering to my physical needs, I was able to reverse many lifestyle diseases, improve my energy, become an expert in weight management, get more creative and find purpose.

Back in 2008, I was fortunate to be referred to the Lifestyle Transformation Center in Kingston, Jamaica.  I started as a patient, seeing the holistic medical doctor because of health issues with fibroids, hypothyroid and anemia.  He was able to help me heal using a plant based diet, exercise and positive mental stimulation which is the essence of healing naturally. The information and experiences were powerful and life changing;  I could have never imagined reversing sickness and disease by eating fruits and vegetables and positive thinking.

Where was I trained?

I currently reside in the United States of America but received my certification and accreditation from the Lifestyle Transformation Center in Kingston, Jamaica where I received 7 years of training and hands on work experience from a team of medical doctors specializing in holistic health, treating lifestyle diseases, weight management issues and maintaining optimal health.

To be clear, I am a Naturopath who is here to get you well naturally as your Holistic Wellness coach.

So what are you waiting for?  LET’S GET TO WORK!!!

Book your coaching session

Grab your supplements/herbs

Grab your Juice Plus Nutritional Support

Get Your copy of my health books.