
I offer health coaching in person, over the phone or by Skype.  The first session typically lasts 45 – 60 minutes where we will get to know each other and I will get a better understanding of your lifestyle, your goals and your objectives.  Every individual is unique with different concerns, aspirations and nutritional requirements, and coaching will be tailored to your individual needs. 

The objective of my coaching sessions is to ensure that you achieve personal success by guiding you in the strengthening of your mind, body and spirit to achieve good health, weight management, clarity and a happy outlook using natural techniques.  Coaching will be geared towards helping you achieve your goals with the view to making long term lifestyle changes that are attainable and easy to maintain after completing 30 days. 

After our initial meeting, I will send you information on the importance of a natural detox exercise, eating plant-based nutrition, exploring foods that are alkaline verses acidic, learning how to take steps to ensure that your food is nutritious and chemical free. I will give you a step by step guide to a 30-day natural detox cleanse, giving you daily instructions for healthy eating and cleansing – the essential habits necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and information on how to strengthen your mind, body and spirit. 

Once we begin working together you will have unlimited email access to me personally.  We will have an initial 60 minute one-on-one and there after meet once per week to discuss planned progress, any health concerns, goals and strategies. Positive effects of a natural approach to healthy living and common-sense adjustments can be seen in as little as 3 days

What makes my approach to coaching so successful?

Many issues we face such as poor health, obesity, weight gain, low energy and aging are rooted in the way we eat, think, walk, talk, and move.  These issues have a significant impact on how we perform, our happiness, understanding purpose, and our ability to succeed.  And we all have our unique lifestyles which includes things we like and enjoy and things which make us different from anybody else. To be a successful coach, and by this I mean getting the best results for my clients with encouragement and support, I coach understanding the importance of incorporating healthy habits into each persons’ specific lifestyle, rather than on promoting diets and routines that are not sustainable.  Every individual is unique with unique idiosyncrasies and circumstances such as culture, travel, sports, recreation, work, and health concerns.  In order to ensure that my clients reach their full potential I consider their lifestyle their unique circumstances and help them to unleash the power within them while embracing fundamental basic healthy habits for desired outcome.   I’m able to coach my clients to a solid foundation of good health using a purely holistic approach that is sustainable for every individual.  I have a track record for helping clients understand themselves well enough to create sustainable habits and teaching them how to get back on track to meet life’s challenges without losing sight of their healthful journey. The end results are lasting relationships with powerful, creative, healthy individuals who find renewed joy, energy, youthfulness, and great wealth. This is my greatest reward!

Who can benefit from a health coach?

Being in good health is everybody’s concern.  Anyone who is struggling to lose weight, increase their energy levels, get healthier, get clarity, or find purpose might want to consider hiring a wellness coach.

What are some of the benefits of working with a health coach?

You receive:

  • More individualized attention
  • Less time spent having to research with trial and error
  • An experienced coach to jump start your success
  • Someone who understands many of life’s challenges and excited to share successful methods
  • More confidence
  • More money in your bank account 
  • Less stress 

Length of the coaching or consultation

  1. The initial consultation is usually 30 – 60 minutes and is complimentary.

Follow-up coaching sessions are as follows:

  1. One hour at least once per week by phone, video calling, in person.
  2. Unlimited texting

What I don’t do as a health coach

  1. Recommend specific exercise routines.
  2. Advise you about specific nutritional needs outside of general holistic notions.
  3. Diagnose conditions or suggest medications
  4. Make specific recommendations on how to reduce the amount of stress in your life.

I coach my customers, helping them to make healthier choices by brainstorming with them about what will really motivate them, and I helps clients to figure out how to manage their stress better by suggesting mind, body, spirit stimulation.

Essential Items when meeting with me

  1. Your health history – Be ready to discuss chronic conditions, any medications or supplements you take, your eating habits, your current ailments and challenges, and your sleep and exercise patterns.
  2. Goals and good intentions – You may or may not have specific target in mind. Simply wanting to get healthier is enough. My job is to help you clarify your goals.
  3. An open mind – I might help you explore complementary therapies backed by science, like acupuncture. Follow up with your doctor about any treatment you plan to pursue
  4. Your wallet – The initial conversation is free. After that, expect to pay about $90 or more per session.

Contact me