Benefits of a Health Coach

Lifestyle by Michele is a holistic motivational service working with individuals, corporations and groups to help persons achieve goals and objectives, obtain optimum health, energy & good weight management, and to discover unrealized talent & resources. Clients are empowered through motivational speaking and counseling sessions to help set realistic target, to be held accountable, and to be encouraged in specific ways to achieve the greatest potential while paying attention to all aspects of the human body which includes the mind, body and spirit. All sessions are designed to begin by helping persons transition into a healthier lifestyle using plant-based nutrition, exercise, stretching, proven techniques for relaxation and managing stress, and the power of positive thinking. Wellness sessions explore a more in depths focus on exercise, aesthetics, nutrition, detox and weight management.

The objectives are to help individuals achieve their greatest potential by empowering them with information on inflammatory foods vs. healing foods, understanding what foods do and how they affect you, techniques for managing stress, the formula for attracting abundant wealth, how to use a natural detox and plant-based nutrition for weight loss, clarity and reversing many health concerns. The desired result is that individuals are able to broaden their horizon, increase their creativity, and enrich their health, wealth and lifestyle for the benefit of living a sustainably healthy and enriched life.


To help individuals achieve their greatest potential by empowering them and helping them to:



Broaden your horizon. Learn the tools to help you identify, clarify, align and achieve your goals and objectives, and pursue what matters most to you. Widen your perspective, discover your passion and explore what you want to focus on. Prioritize, remove obstacles, find solutions, set targets and take steps to achieve them.


Increase your creativity, productivity and earning potential.  Learn techniques to help with better time management skills, stress management, balance work and life situations, deportment and social skills.


Enrich your health, wellness and energy levels by understanding the power of natural foods for weight management, energy, vitality, healing, and a deeper self-awareness. Understand the power of deep breathing, meditation and exercise to increase focus, wellness, creativity, energy and productivity.


Empower your mind, body and soul into the realization that you are a powerful being, greater  than your  circumstances, able to change and/or achieve whatever goals, dreams and your destiny by controlling your thoughts and ideas and outlook of yourself. Understand the need to detoxify, cleanse and embrace all that is positive & good to lighten the load and increase harmony & creativity.

Forums include:

  • Individual sessions by phone/in person
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Seminars
  • Around the world health retreats
  • Corporate groups and workshops

At Lifestyles by Michele we are committed to working with people who want to improve their lives in specific ways, such as changing careers, finding a healthy relationship, obtaining and maintaining good health / vitality, taking their business to a new level, weight management, or deepening their self-understanding. We help people deal with stress management as well as time management, goals setting and other key areas of change to help them lead more balanced / productive lives that better reflect their personal values and priorities. 

Counseling sessions include Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Stimulation